Twenty-Something and Still Clueless

“In the majority of instances human beings, even the evil-doers among them, are far more naive and straightforward than we suppose.  And that includes ourselves.”  Dostoyevsky

Twenty-something.  People say our twenties are the prime years of our lives.  But lately, I’ve been wondering… shoot.  Why is it that so many of us are so dreadfully unhappy?  Quarter-life slump?  Maybe.  Or maybe we’re just at an age in society when we’re all either working so hard that we have no time to enjoy things… or playing so hard that the enjoyable things lose meaning.

This was our decision//To live fast and die young//We’ve got the vision//Now let’s have some fun!

“Love is the answer.”  What the heck does that mean?

Lately, I’ve been realizing: we attribute so much of the uneasiness we feel regarding life and actions to the voice of God.  As my pastor likes to say, “Boy, you sure hear from God a lot.”  But what if in this world, the cultural systems and carnal desires in our lives are so much louder than the voice of God?

For the amount of time we spend thinking about love… all I can muster up is the realization that uneasiness is a feeling. 

Truth and reality is this: that love is uneasy.

I still have no idea what it is to love.  But maybe I am beginning to understand what it means.

~ by sometimelove on August 5, 2008.

2 Responses to “Twenty-Something and Still Clueless”

  1. I think love IS uneasy, but I also think the uneasiness is what keeps us working at it.

    If love was perfect, it’d get boring and stale, wouldn’t it?

    Love is forever because we’re forever chasing after it, seems futile, but I think it’s exciting.


  2. love is the “mothern” excuse to satisfying our carnal and primitive desires, if we were not judged by society we would most likely be having intercourse with every girl/boy, women/men we like.. i read this somewhere but dont know where, maybe a love book written by a sociologist but im not sure.
    from my point of view that is very possible, nevertheless presented with the idea of love there is nothing to do but follow your heart

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